Source code for flwr_datasets.federated_dataset

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from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union

import datasets
from datasets import Dataset, DatasetDict
from flwr_datasets.partitioner import Partitioner
from flwr_datasets.resplitter import Resplitter
from flwr_datasets.utils import (

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[docs]class FederatedDataset: """Representation of a dataset for federated learning/evaluation/analytics. Download, partition data among clients (edge devices), or load full dataset. Partitions are created using IidPartitioner. Support for different partitioners specification and types will come in future releases. Parameters ---------- dataset : str The name of the dataset in the Hugging Face Hub. subset : str Secondary information regarding the dataset, most often subset or version (that is passed to the name in datasets.load_dataset). resplitter : Optional[Union[Resplitter, Dict[str, Tuple[str, ...]]]] `Callable` that transforms `DatasetDict` splits, or configuration dict for `MergeResplitter`. partitioners : Dict[str, Union[Partitioner, int]] A dictionary mapping the Dataset split (a `str`) to a `Partitioner` or an `int` (representing the number of IID partitions that this split should be partitioned into). One or multiple `Partitioner` objects can be specified in that manner, but at most, one per split. shuffle : bool Whether to randomize the order of samples. Applied prior to resplitting, speratelly to each of the present splits in the dataset. It uses the `seed` argument. Defaults to True. seed : Optional[int] Seed used for dataset shuffling. It has no effect if `shuffle` is False. The seed cannot be set in the later stages. If `None`, then fresh, unpredictable entropy will be pulled from the OS. Defaults to 42. Examples -------- Use MNIST dataset for Federated Learning with 100 clients (edge devices): >>> mnist_fds = FederatedDataset(dataset="mnist", partitioners={"train": 100}) >>> # Load partition for client with ID 10. >>> partition = mnist_fds.load_partition(10, "train") >>> # Use test split for centralized evaluation. >>> centralized = mnist_fds.load_split("test") """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes def __init__( self, *, dataset: str, subset: Optional[str] = None, resplitter: Optional[Union[Resplitter, Dict[str, Tuple[str, ...]]]] = None, partitioners: Dict[str, Union[Partitioner, int]], shuffle: bool = True, seed: Optional[int] = 42, ) -> None: _check_if_dataset_tested(dataset) self._dataset_name: str = dataset self._subset: Optional[str] = subset self._resplitter: Optional[Resplitter] = _instantiate_resplitter_if_needed( resplitter ) self._partitioners: Dict[str, Partitioner] = _instantiate_partitioners( partitioners ) self._shuffle = shuffle self._seed = seed # _dataset is prepared lazily on the first call to `load_partition` # or `load_split`. See _prepare_datasets for more details self._dataset: Optional[DatasetDict] = None # Indicate if the dataset is prepared for `load_partition` or `load_split` self._dataset_prepared: bool = False
[docs] def load_partition( self, partition_id: int, split: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Dataset: """Load the partition specified by the idx in the selected split. The dataset is downloaded only when the first call to `load_partition` or `load_split` is made. Parameters ---------- partition_id : int Partition index for the selected split, idx in {0, ..., num_partitions - 1}. split : Optional[str] Name of the (partitioned) split (e.g. "train", "test"). You can skip this parameter if there is only one partitioner for the dataset. The name will be inferred automatically. For example, if `partitioners={"train": 10}`, you do not need to provide this argument, but if `partitioners={"train": 10, "test": 100}`, you need to set it to differentiate which partitioner should be used. Returns ------- partition : Dataset Single partition from the dataset split. """ if not self._dataset_prepared: self._prepare_dataset() if self._dataset is None: raise ValueError("Dataset is not loaded yet.") if split is None: self._check_if_no_split_keyword_possible() split = list(self._partitioners.keys())[0] self._check_if_split_present(split) self._check_if_split_possible_to_federate(split) partitioner: Partitioner = self._partitioners[split] self._assign_dataset_to_partitioner(split) return partitioner.load_partition(partition_id)
[docs] def load_split(self, split: str) -> Dataset: """Load the full split of the dataset. The dataset is downloaded only when the first call to `load_partition` or `load_split` is made. Parameters ---------- split : str Split name of the downloaded dataset (e.g. "train", "test"). Returns ------- dataset_split : Dataset Part of the dataset identified by its split name. """ if not self._dataset_prepared: self._prepare_dataset() if self._dataset is None: raise ValueError("Dataset is not loaded yet.") self._check_if_split_present(split) return self._dataset[split]
@property def partitioners(self) -> Dict[str, Partitioner]: """Dictionary mapping each split to its associated partitioner. The returned partitioners have the splits of the dataset assigned to them. """ # This function triggers the dataset download (lazy download) and checks # the partitioner specification correctness (which can also happen lazily only # after the dataset download). if not self._dataset_prepared: self._prepare_dataset() if self._dataset is None: raise ValueError("Dataset is not loaded yet.") partitioners_keys = list(self._partitioners.keys()) for split in partitioners_keys: self._check_if_split_present(split) self._assign_dataset_to_partitioner(split) return self._partitioners def _check_if_split_present(self, split: str) -> None: """Check if the split (for partitioning or full return) is in the dataset.""" if self._dataset is None: raise ValueError("Dataset is not loaded yet.") available_splits = list(self._dataset.keys()) if split not in available_splits: raise ValueError( f"The given split: '{split}' is not present in the dataset's splits: " f"'{available_splits}'." ) def _check_if_split_possible_to_federate(self, split: str) -> None: """Check if the split has corresponding partitioner.""" partitioners_keys = list(self._partitioners.keys()) if split not in partitioners_keys: raise ValueError( f"The given split: '{split}' does not have a partitioner to perform " f"partitioning. Partitioners were specified for the following splits:" f"'{partitioners_keys}'." ) def _assign_dataset_to_partitioner(self, split: str) -> None: """Assign the corresponding split of the dataset to the partitioner. Assign only if the dataset is not assigned yet. """ if self._dataset is None: raise ValueError("Dataset is not loaded yet.") if not self._partitioners[split].is_dataset_assigned(): self._partitioners[split].dataset = self._dataset[split] def _prepare_dataset(self) -> None: """Prepare the dataset (prior to partitioning) by download, shuffle, replit. Run only ONCE when triggered by load_* function. (In future more control whether this should happen lazily or not can be added). The operations done here should not happen more than once. It is controlled by a single flag, `_dataset_prepared` that is set True at the end of the function. Notes ----- The shuffling should happen before the resplitting. Here is the explanation. If the dataset has a non-random order of samples e.g. each split has first only label 0, then only label 1. Then in case of resplitting e.g. someone creates: "train" train[:int(0.75 * len(train))], test: concat( train[int(0.75 * len(train)):], test). The new test took the 0.25 of e.g. the train that is only label 0 (assuming the equal count of labels). Therefore, for such edge cases (for which we have split) the split should happen before the resplitting. """ self._dataset = datasets.load_dataset( path=self._dataset_name, name=self._subset ) if self._shuffle: # Note it shuffles all the splits. The self._dataset is DatasetDict # so e.g. {"train": train_data, "test": test_data}. All splits get shuffled. self._dataset = self._dataset.shuffle(seed=self._seed) if self._resplitter: self._dataset = self._resplitter(self._dataset) self._dataset_prepared = True def _check_if_no_split_keyword_possible(self) -> None: if len(self._partitioners) != 1: raise ValueError( "Please set the `split` argument. You can only omit the split keyword " "if there is exactly one partitioner specified." )