Advanced Flower Example (PyTorch)#

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This example demonstrates an advanced federated learning setup using Flower with PyTorch. This example uses Flower Datasets and it differs from the quickstart example in the following ways:

  • 10 clients (instead of just 2)

  • Each client holds a local dataset of 5000 training examples and 1000 test examples (note that using the script will only select 10 data samples by default, as the --toy argument is set).

  • Server-side model evaluation after parameter aggregation

  • Hyperparameter schedule using config functions

  • Custom return values

  • Server-side parameter initialization

Project Setup#

Start by cloning the example project. We prepared a single-line command that you can copy into your shell which will checkout the example for you:

git clone --depth=1 && mv flower/examples/advanced-pytorch . && rm -rf flower && cd advanced-pytorch

This will create a new directory called advanced-pytorch containing the following files:

-- pyproject.toml
-- requirements.txt

Installing Dependencies#

Project dependencies (such as torch and flwr) are defined in pyproject.toml and requirements.txt. We recommend Poetry to install those dependencies and manage your virtual environment (Poetry installation) or pip, but feel free to use a different way of installing dependencies and managing virtual environments if you have other preferences.


poetry install
poetry shell

Poetry will install all your dependencies in a newly created virtual environment. To verify that everything works correctly you can run the following command:

poetry run python3 -c "import flwr"

If you don’t see any errors you’re good to go!


Write the command below in your terminal to install the dependencies according to the configuration file requirements.txt.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run Federated Learning with PyTorch and Flower#

The included will start the Flower server (using, sleep for 2 seconds to ensure that the server is up, and then start 10 Flower clients (using with only a small subset of the data (in order to run on any machine), but this can be changed by removing the --toy argument in the script. You can simply start everything in a terminal as follows:

# After activating your environment

The script starts processes in the background so that you don’t have to open eleven terminal windows. If you experiment with the code example and something goes wrong, simply using CTRL + C on Linux (or CMD + C on macOS) wouldn’t normally kill all these processes, which is why the script ends with trap "trap - SIGTERM && kill -- -$$" SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT and wait. This simply allows you to stop the experiment using CTRL + C (or CMD + C). If you change the script and anything goes wrong you can still use killall python (or killall python3) to kill all background processes (or a more specific command if you have other Python processes running that you don’t want to kill).

You can also manually run python3 and python3 --client-id <ID> for as many clients as you want but you have to make sure that each command is run in a different terminal window (or a different computer on the network). In addition, you can make your clients use either EfficienNet (default) or AlexNet (but all clients in the experiment should use the same). Switch between models using the --model flag when launching and