Secure Aggregation Protocols#

Include SecAgg, SecAgg+, and LightSecAgg protocol. The LightSecAgg protocol has not been implemented yet, so its diagram and abstraction may not be accurate in practice. The SecAgg protocol can be considered as a special case of the SecAgg+ protocol.

The SecAgg+ abstraction#

In this implementation, each client will be assigned with a unique index (int) for secure aggregation, and thus many python dictionaries used have keys of int type rather than ClientProxy type.

class SecAggPlusProtocol(ABC):
    """Abstract base class for the SecAgg+ protocol implementations."""

    def generate_graph(
        self, clients: List[ClientProxy], k: int
    ) -> ClientGraph:
        """Build a k-degree undirected graph of clients.
        Each client will only generate pair-wise masks with its k neighbours.
        k is equal to the number of clients in SecAgg, i.e., a complete graph.
        This function may need extra inputs to decide on the generation of the graph."""

    def setup_config(
        self, clients: List[ClientProxy], config_dict: Dict[str, Scalar]
    ) -> SetupConfigResultsAndFailures:
        """Configure the next round of secure aggregation. (SetupConfigRes is an empty class.)"""

    def ask_keys(
        clients: List[ClientProxy], ask_keys_ins_list: List[AskKeysIns]
    ) -> AskKeysResultsAndFailures:
        """Ask public keys. (AskKeysIns is an empty class, and hence ask_keys_ins_list can be omitted.)"""

    def share_keys(
        clients: List[ClientProxy], public_keys_dict: Dict[int, AskKeysRes],
        graph: ClientGraph
    ) -> ShareKeysResultsAndFailures:
        """Send public keys."""

    def ask_vectors(
        clients: List[ClientProxy],
        forward_packet_list_dict: Dict[int, List[ShareKeysPacket]],
        client_instructions=None: Dict[int, FitIns]
    ) -> AskVectorsResultsAndFailures:
        """Ask vectors of local model parameters.
        (If client_instructions is not None, local models will be trained in the ask vectors stage,
        rather than trained parallelly as the protocol goes through the previous stages.)"""

    def unmask_vectors(
        clients: List[ClientProxy],
        dropout_clients: List[ClientProxy],
        graph: ClientGraph
    ) -> UnmaskVectorsResultsAndFailures:
        """Unmask and compute the aggregated model. UnmaskVectorRes contains shares of keys needed to generate masks."""

The Flower server will execute and process received results in the following order:

sequenceDiagram participant S as Flower Server participant P as SecAgg+ Protocol participant C1 as Flower Client participant C2 as Flower Client participant C3 as Flower Client S->>P: generate_graph activate P P-->>S: client_graph deactivate P Note left of P: Stage 0:<br/>Setup Config rect rgb(249, 219, 130) S->>P: setup_config<br/>clients, config_dict activate P P->>C1: SetupConfigIns deactivate P P->>C2: SetupConfigIns P->>C3: SetupConfigIns C1->>P: SetupConfigRes (empty) C2->>P: SetupConfigRes (empty) C3->>P: SetupConfigRes (empty) activate P P-->>S: None deactivate P end Note left of P: Stage 1:<br/>Ask Keys rect rgb(249, 219, 130) S->>P: ask_keys<br/>clients activate P P->>C1: AskKeysIns (empty) deactivate P P->>C2: AskKeysIns (empty) P->>C3: AskKeysIns (empty) C1->>P: AskKeysRes C2->>P: AskKeysRes C3->>P: AskKeysRes activate P P-->>S: public keys deactivate P end Note left of P: Stage 2:<br/>Share Keys rect rgb(249, 219, 130) S->>P: share_keys<br/>clients, public_keys_dict,<br/>client_graph activate P P->>C1: ShareKeysIns deactivate P P->>C2: ShareKeysIns P->>C3: ShareKeysIns C1->>P: ShareKeysRes C2->>P: ShareKeysRes C3->>P: ShareKeysRes activate P P-->>S: encryted key shares deactivate P end Note left of P: Stage 3:<br/>Ask Vectors rect rgb(249, 219, 130) S->>P: ask_vectors<br/>clients,<br/>forward_packet_list_dict activate P P->>C1: AskVectorsIns deactivate P P->>C2: AskVectorsIns P->>C3: AskVectorsIns C1->>P: AskVectorsRes C2->>P: AskVectorsRes activate P P-->>S: masked vectors deactivate P end Note left of P: Stage 4:<br/>Unmask Vectors rect rgb(249, 219, 130) S->>P: unmask_vectors<br/>clients, dropped_clients,<br/>client_graph activate P P->>C1: UnmaskVectorsIns deactivate P P->>C2: UnmaskVectorsIns C1->>P: UnmaskVectorsRes C2->>P: UnmaskVectorsRes activate P P-->>S: key shares deactivate P end

The LightSecAgg abstraction#

In this implementation, each client will be assigned with a unique index (int) for secure aggregation, and thus many python dictionaries used have keys of int type rather than ClientProxy type.

class LightSecAggProtocol(ABC):
    """Abstract base class for the LightSecAgg protocol implementations."""

    def setup_config(
        self, clients: List[ClientProxy], config_dict: Dict[str, Scalar]
    ) -> LightSecAggSetupConfigResultsAndFailures:
        """Configure the next round of secure aggregation."""

    def ask_encrypted_encoded_masks(
        clients: List[ClientProxy], public_keys_dict: Dict[int, LightSecAggSetupConfigRes]
    ) -> AskEncryptedEncodedMasksResultsAndFailures:
        """Ask encrypted encoded masks. The protocol adopts Diffie-Hellman keys to build pair-wise secured channels to transfer encoded mask."""

    def ask_masked_models(
        clients: List[ClientProxy],
        forward_packet_list_dict: Dict[int, List[EncryptedEncodedMasksPacket]],
        client_instructions=None: Dict[int, FitIns]
    ) -> AskMaskedModelsResultsAndFailures:
        """Ask the masked local models.
        (If client_instructions is not None, local models will be trained in the ask vectors stage,
        rather than trained parallelly as the protocol goes through the previous stages.)"""

    def ask_aggregated_encoded_masks(
        clients: List[ClientProxy]
    ) -> AskAggregatedEncodedMasksResultsAndFailures:
        """Ask aggregated encoded masks"""

The Flower server will execute and process received results in the following order:

sequenceDiagram participant S as Flower Server participant P as LightSecAgg Protocol participant C1 as Flower Client participant C2 as Flower Client participant C3 as Flower Client Note left of P: Stage 0:<br/>Setup Config rect rgb(249, 219, 130) S->>P: setup_config<br/>clients, config_dict activate P P->>C1: LightSecAggSetupConfigIns deactivate P P->>C2: LightSecAggSetupConfigIns P->>C3: LightSecAggSetupConfigIns C1->>P: LightSecAggSetupConfigRes C2->>P: LightSecAggSetupConfigRes C3->>P: LightSecAggSetupConfigRes activate P P-->>S: public keys deactivate P end Note left of P: Stage 1:<br/>Ask Encrypted Encoded Masks rect rgb(249, 219, 130) S->>P: ask_encrypted_encoded_masks<br/>clients, public_keys_dict activate P P->>C1: AskEncryptedEncodedMasksIns deactivate P P->>C2: AskEncryptedEncodedMasksIns P->>C3: AskEncryptedEncodedMasksIns C1->>P: AskEncryptedEncodedMasksRes C2->>P: AskEncryptedEncodedMasksRes C3->>P: AskEncryptedEncodedMasksRes activate P P-->>S: forward packets deactivate P end Note left of P: Stage 2:<br/>Ask Masked Models rect rgb(249, 219, 130) S->>P: share_keys<br/>clients, forward_packet_list_dict activate P P->>C1: AskMaskedModelsIns deactivate P P->>C2: AskMaskedModelsIns P->>C3: AskMaskedModelsIns C1->>P: AskMaskedModelsRes C2->>P: AskMaskedModelsRes activate P P-->>S: masked local models deactivate P end Note left of P: Stage 3:<br/>Ask Aggregated Encoded Masks rect rgb(249, 219, 130) S->>P: ask_aggregated_encoded_masks<br/>clients activate P P->>C1: AskAggregatedEncodedMasksIns deactivate P P->>C2: AskAggregatedEncodedMasksIns C1->>P: AskAggregatedEncodedMasksRes C2->>P: AskAggregatedEncodedMasksRes activate P P-->>S: the aggregated model deactivate P end


# the SecAgg+ protocol

ClientGraph = Dict[int, List[int]]

SetupConfigResultsAndFailures = Tuple[
    List[Tuple[ClientProxy, SetupConfigRes]], List[BaseException]

AskKeysResultsAndFailures = Tuple[
    List[Tuple[ClientProxy, AskKeysRes]], List[BaseException]

ShareKeysResultsAndFailures = Tuple[
    List[Tuple[ClientProxy, ShareKeysRes]], List[BaseException]

AskVectorsResultsAndFailures = Tuple[
    List[Tuple[ClientProxy, AskVectorsRes]], List[BaseException]

UnmaskVectorsResultsAndFailures = Tuple[
    List[Tuple[ClientProxy, UnmaskVectorsRes]], List[BaseException]

FitResultsAndFailures = Tuple[
    List[Tuple[ClientProxy, FitRes]], List[BaseException]

class SetupConfigIns:
    sec_agg_cfg_dict: Dict[str, Scalar]

class SetupConfigRes:

class AskKeysIns:

class AskKeysRes:
    """Ask Keys Stage Response from client to server"""
    pk1: bytes
    pk2: bytes

class ShareKeysIns:
    public_keys_dict: Dict[int, AskKeysRes]

class ShareKeysPacket:
    source: int
    destination: int
    ciphertext: bytes

class ShareKeysRes:
    share_keys_res_list: List[ShareKeysPacket]

class AskVectorsIns:
    ask_vectors_in_list: List[ShareKeysPacket]
    fit_ins: FitIns

class AskVectorsRes:
    parameters: Parameters

class UnmaskVectorsIns:
    available_clients: List[int]
    dropout_clients: List[int]

class UnmaskVectorsRes:
    share_dict: Dict[int, bytes]

# the LightSecAgg protocol

LightSecAggSetupConfigResultsAndFailures = Tuple[
    List[Tuple[ClientProxy, LightSecAggSetupConfigRes]], List[BaseException]

AskEncryptedEncodedMasksResultsAndFailures = Tuple[
    List[Tuple[ClientProxy, AskEncryptedEncodedMasksRes]], List[BaseException]

AskMaskedModelsResultsAndFailures = Tuple[
    List[Tuple[ClientProxy, AskMaskedModelsRes]], List[BaseException]

AskAggregatedEncodedMasksResultsAndFailures = Tuple[
    List[Tuple[ClientProxy, AskAggregatedEncodedMasksRes]], List[BaseException]

class LightSecAggSetupConfigIns:
    sec_agg_cfg_dict: Dict[str, Scalar]

class LightSecAggSetupConfigRes:
    pk: bytes

class AskEncryptedEncodedMasksIns:
    public_keys_dict: Dict[int, LightSecAggSetupConfigRes]

class EncryptedEncodedMasksPacket:
    source: int
    destination: int
    ciphertext: bytes

class AskEncryptedEncodedMasksRes:
    packet_list: List[EncryptedEncodedMasksPacket]

class AskMaskedModelsIns:
    packet_list: List[EncryptedEncodedMasksPacket]
    fit_ins: FitIns

class AskMaskedModelsRes:
    parameters: Parameters

class AskAggregatedEncodedMasksIns:
    surviving_clients: List[int]

class AskAggregatedEncodedMasksRes:
    aggregated_encoded_mask: Parameters