
class Metadata(run_id: int, message_id: str, src_node_id: int, dst_node_id: int, reply_to_message: str, group_id: str, ttl: float, message_type: str, partition_id: int | None = None)[源代码]#


A dataclass holding metadata associated with the current message.

  • run_id (int) -- An identifier for the current run.

  • message_id (str) -- An identifier for the current message.

  • src_node_id (int) -- An identifier for the node sending this message.

  • dst_node_id (int) -- An identifier for the node receiving this message.

  • reply_to_message (str) -- An identifier for the message this message replies to.

  • group_id (str) -- An identifier for grouping messages. In some settings, this is used as the FL round.

  • ttl (float) -- Time-to-live for this message in seconds.

  • message_type (str) -- A string that encodes the action to be executed on the receiving end.

  • partition_id (Optional[int]) -- An identifier that can be used when loading a particular data partition for a ClientApp. Making use of this identifier is more relevant when conducting simulations.




Unix timestamp when the message was created.


An identifier for the node receiving this message.


An identifier for grouping messages.


An identifier for the current message.


A string that encodes the action to be executed on the receiving end.


An identifier telling which data partition a ClientApp should use.


An identifier for the message this message replies to.


An identifier for the current run.


An identifier for the node sending this message.


Time-to-live for this message.

property created_at: float#

Unix timestamp when the message was created.

property dst_node_id: int#

An identifier for the node receiving this message.

property group_id: str#

An identifier for grouping messages.

property message_id: str#

An identifier for the current message.

property message_type: str#

A string that encodes the action to be executed on the receiving end.

property partition_id: int | None#

An identifier telling which data partition a ClientApp should use.

property reply_to_message: str#

An identifier for the message this message replies to.

property run_id: int#

An identifier for the current run.

property src_node_id: int#

An identifier for the node sending this message.

property ttl: float#

Time-to-live for this message.