Code source de flwr.server.server_app

# Copyright 2024 Flower Labs GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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# ==============================================================================
"""Flower ServerApp."""

from typing import Callable, Optional

from flwr.common import Context, RecordSet
from flwr.common.logger import warn_preview_feature
from flwr.server.strategy import Strategy

from .client_manager import ClientManager
from .compat import start_driver
from .driver import Driver
from .server import Server
from .server_config import ServerConfig
from .typing import ServerAppCallable

[docs]class ServerApp: """Flower ServerApp. Examples -------- Use the `ServerApp` with an existing `Strategy`: >>> server_config = ServerConfig(num_rounds=3) >>> strategy = FedAvg() >>> >>> app = ServerApp() >>> server_config=server_config, >>> strategy=strategy, >>> ) Use the `ServerApp` with a custom main function: >>> app = ServerApp() >>> >>> @app.main() >>> def main(driver: Driver, context: Context) -> None: >>> print("ServerApp running") """ def __init__( self, server: Optional[Server] = None, config: Optional[ServerConfig] = None, strategy: Optional[Strategy] = None, client_manager: Optional[ClientManager] = None, ) -> None: self._server = server self._config = config self._strategy = strategy self._client_manager = client_manager self._main: Optional[ServerAppCallable] = None def __call__(self, driver: Driver, context: Context) -> None: """Execute `ServerApp`.""" # Compatibility mode if not self._main: start_driver( server=self._server, config=self._config, strategy=self._strategy, client_manager=self._client_manager, driver=driver, ) return # New execution mode context = Context(state=RecordSet()) self._main(driver, context)
[docs] def main(self) -> Callable[[ServerAppCallable], ServerAppCallable]: """Return a decorator that registers the main fn with the server app. Examples -------- >>> app = ServerApp() >>> >>> @app.main() >>> def main(driver: Driver, context: Context) -> None: >>> print("ServerApp running") """ def main_decorator(main_fn: ServerAppCallable) -> ServerAppCallable: """Register the main fn with the ServerApp object.""" if self._server or self._config or self._strategy or self._client_manager: raise ValueError( """Use either a custom main function or a `Strategy`, but not both. Use the `ServerApp` with an existing `Strategy`: >>> server_config = ServerConfig(num_rounds=3) >>> strategy = FedAvg() >>> >>> app = ServerApp() >>> server_config=server_config, >>> strategy=strategy, >>> ) Use the `ServerApp` with a custom main function: >>> app = ServerApp() >>> >>> @app.main() >>> def main(driver: Driver, context: Context) -> None: >>> print("ServerApp running") """, ) warn_preview_feature("ServerApp-register-main-function") # Register provided function with the ServerApp object self._main = main_fn # Return provided function unmodified return main_fn return main_decorator
class LoadServerAppError(Exception): """Error when trying to load `ServerApp`."""