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# Copyright 2020 Flower Labs GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
"""Flower simulation app."""

import asyncio
import logging
import sys
import threading
import traceback
import warnings
from logging import ERROR, INFO
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Type, Union

import ray
from ray.util.scheduling_strategies import NodeAffinitySchedulingStrategy

from flwr.client import ClientFn
from flwr.common import EventType, event
from flwr.common.logger import log, set_logger_propagation
from flwr.server.client_manager import ClientManager
from flwr.server.history import History
from flwr.server.server import Server, init_defaults, run_fl
from flwr.server.server_config import ServerConfig
from flwr.server.strategy import Strategy
from flwr.simulation.ray_transport.ray_actor import (
from flwr.simulation.ray_transport.ray_client_proxy import RayActorClientProxy


Invalid Arguments in method:

    client_fn: ClientFn,
    num_clients: Optional[int] = None,
    clients_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    client_resources: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None,
    server: Optional[Server] = None,
    config: ServerConfig = None,
    strategy: Optional[Strategy] = None,
    client_manager: Optional[ClientManager] = None,
    ray_init_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> None:`

    Method requires:
        - Either `num_clients`[int] or `clients_ids`[List[str]]
        to be set exclusively.
        - `len(clients_ids)` == `num_clients`


# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-statements,too-many-branches
[docs]def start_simulation( *, client_fn: ClientFn, num_clients: Optional[int] = None, clients_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, client_resources: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None, server: Optional[Server] = None, config: Optional[ServerConfig] = None, strategy: Optional[Strategy] = None, client_manager: Optional[ClientManager] = None, ray_init_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, keep_initialised: Optional[bool] = False, actor_type: Type[VirtualClientEngineActor] = ClientAppActor, actor_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, actor_scheduling: Union[str, NodeAffinitySchedulingStrategy] = "DEFAULT", ) -> History: """Start a Ray-based Flower simulation server. Parameters ---------- client_fn : ClientFn A function creating client instances. The function must take a single `str` argument called `cid`. It should return a single client instance of type Client. Note that the created client instances are ephemeral and will often be destroyed after a single method invocation. Since client instances are not long-lived, they should not attempt to carry state over method invocations. Any state required by the instance (model, dataset, hyperparameters, ...) should be (re-)created in either the call to `client_fn` or the call to any of the client methods (e.g., load evaluation data in the `evaluate` method itself). num_clients : Optional[int] The total number of clients in this simulation. This must be set if `clients_ids` is not set and vice-versa. clients_ids : Optional[List[str]] List `client_id`s for each client. This is only required if `num_clients` is not set. Setting both `num_clients` and `clients_ids` with `len(clients_ids)` not equal to `num_clients` generates an error. client_resources : Optional[Dict[str, float]] (default: `{"num_cpus": 1, "num_gpus": 0.0}`) CPU and GPU resources for a single client. Supported keys are `num_cpus` and `num_gpus`. To understand the GPU utilization caused by `num_gpus`, as well as using custom resources, please consult the Ray documentation. server : Optional[flwr.server.Server] (default: None). An implementation of the abstract base class `flwr.server.Server`. If no instance is provided, then `start_server` will create one. config: ServerConfig (default: None). Currently supported values are `num_rounds` (int, default: 1) and `round_timeout` in seconds (float, default: None). strategy : Optional[flwr.server.Strategy] (default: None) An implementation of the abstract base class `flwr.server.Strategy`. If no strategy is provided, then `start_server` will use `flwr.server.strategy.FedAvg`. client_manager : Optional[flwr.server.ClientManager] (default: None) An implementation of the abstract base class `flwr.server.ClientManager`. If no implementation is provided, then `start_simulation` will use `flwr.server.client_manager.SimpleClientManager`. ray_init_args : Optional[Dict[str, Any]] (default: None) Optional dictionary containing arguments for the call to `ray.init`. If ray_init_args is None (the default), Ray will be initialized with the following default args: { "ignore_reinit_error": True, "include_dashboard": False } An empty dictionary can be used (ray_init_args={}) to prevent any arguments from being passed to ray.init. keep_initialised: Optional[bool] (default: False) Set to True to prevent `ray.shutdown()` in case `ray.is_initialized()=True`. actor_type: VirtualClientEngineActor (default: ClientAppActor) Optionally specify the type of actor to use. The actor object, which persists throughout the simulation, will be the process in charge of executing a ClientApp wrapping input argument `client_fn`. actor_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] (default: None) If you want to create your own Actor classes, you might need to pass some input argument. You can use this dictionary for such purpose. actor_scheduling: Optional[Union[str, NodeAffinitySchedulingStrategy]] (default: "DEFAULT") Optional string ("DEFAULT" or "SPREAD") for the VCE to choose in which node the actor is placed. If you are an advanced user needed more control you can use lower-level scheduling strategies to pin actors to specific compute nodes (e.g. via NodeAffinitySchedulingStrategy). Please note this is an advanced feature. For all details, please refer to the Ray documentation: Returns ------- hist : flwr.server.history.History Object containing metrics from training. """ # noqa: E501 # pylint: disable-msg=too-many-locals event( EventType.START_SIMULATION_ENTER, {"num_clients": len(clients_ids) if clients_ids is not None else num_clients}, ) # Set logger propagation loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None try: loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() except RuntimeError: loop = None finally: if loop and loop.is_running(): # Set logger propagation to False to prevent duplicated log output in Colab. logger = logging.getLogger("flwr") _ = set_logger_propagation(logger, False) # Initialize server and server config initialized_server, initialized_config = init_defaults( server=server, config=config, strategy=strategy, client_manager=client_manager, ) log( INFO, "Starting Flower simulation, config: %s", initialized_config, ) # clients_ids takes precedence cids: List[str] if clients_ids is not None: if (num_clients is not None) and (len(clients_ids) != num_clients): log(ERROR, INVALID_ARGUMENTS_START_SIMULATION) sys.exit() else: cids = clients_ids else: if num_clients is None: log(ERROR, INVALID_ARGUMENTS_START_SIMULATION) sys.exit() else: cids = [str(x) for x in range(num_clients)] # Default arguments for Ray initialization if not ray_init_args: ray_init_args = { "ignore_reinit_error": True, "include_dashboard": False, } # Shut down Ray if it has already been initialized (unless asked not to) if ray.is_initialized() and not keep_initialised: ray.shutdown() # Initialize Ray ray.init(**ray_init_args) cluster_resources = ray.cluster_resources() log( INFO, "Flower VCE: Ray initialized with resources: %s", cluster_resources, ) log( INFO, "Optimize your simulation with Flower VCE: " "", ) # Log the resources that a single client will be able to use if client_resources is None: log( INFO, "No `client_resources` specified. Using minimal resources for clients.", ) client_resources = {"num_cpus": 1, "num_gpus": 0.0} # Each client needs at the very least one CPU if "num_cpus" not in client_resources: warnings.warn( "No `num_cpus` specified in `client_resources`. " "Using `num_cpus=1` for each client.", stacklevel=2, ) client_resources["num_cpus"] = 1 log( INFO, "Flower VCE: Resources for each Virtual Client: %s", client_resources, ) actor_args = {} if actor_kwargs is None else actor_kwargs # An actor factory. This is called N times to add N actors # to the pool. If at some point the pool can accommodate more actors # this will be called again. def create_actor_fn() -> Type[VirtualClientEngineActor]: return actor_type.options( # type: ignore **client_resources, scheduling_strategy=actor_scheduling, ).remote(**actor_args) # Instantiate ActorPool pool = VirtualClientEngineActorPool( create_actor_fn=create_actor_fn, client_resources=client_resources, ) f_stop = threading.Event() # Periodically, check if the cluster has grown (i.e. a new # node has been added). If this happens, we likely want to grow # the actor pool by adding more Actors to it. def update_resources(f_stop: threading.Event) -> None: """Periodically check if more actors can be added to the pool. If so, extend the pool. """ if not f_stop.is_set(): num_max_actors = pool_size_from_resources(client_resources) if num_max_actors > pool.num_actors: num_new = num_max_actors - pool.num_actors log( INFO, "The cluster expanded. Adding %s actors to the pool.", num_new ) pool.add_actors_to_pool(num_actors=num_new) threading.Timer(10, update_resources, [f_stop]).start() update_resources(f_stop) log( INFO, "Flower VCE: Creating %s with %s actors", pool.__class__.__name__, pool.num_actors, ) # Register one RayClientProxy object for each client with the ClientManager for cid in cids: client_proxy = RayActorClientProxy( client_fn=client_fn, cid=cid, actor_pool=pool, ) initialized_server.client_manager().register(client=client_proxy) hist = History() # pylint: disable=broad-except try: # Start training hist = run_fl( server=initialized_server, config=initialized_config, ) except Exception as ex: log(ERROR, ex) log(ERROR, traceback.format_exc()) log( ERROR, "Your simulation crashed :(. This could be because of several reasons. " "The most common are: " "\n\t > Sometimes, issues in the simulation code itself can cause crashes. " "It's always a good idea to double-check your code for any potential bugs " "or inconsistencies that might be contributing to the problem. " "For example: " "\n\t\t - You might be using a class attribute in your clients that " "hasn't been defined." "\n\t\t - There could be an incorrect method call to a 3rd party library " "(e.g., PyTorch)." "\n\t\t - The return types of methods in your clients/strategies might be " "incorrect." "\n\t > Your system couldn't fit a single VirtualClient: try lowering " "`client_resources`." "\n\t > All the actors in your pool crashed. This could be because: " "\n\t\t - You clients hit an out-of-memory (OOM) error and actors couldn't " "recover from it. Try launching your simulation with more generous " "`client_resources` setting (i.e. it seems %s is " "not enough for your run). Use fewer concurrent actors. " "\n\t\t - You were running a multi-node simulation and all worker nodes " "disconnected. The head node might still be alive but cannot accommodate " "any actor with resources: %s." "\nTake a look at the Flower simulation examples for guidance " "<>.", client_resources, client_resources, ) raise RuntimeError("Simulation crashed.") from ex finally: # Stop time monitoring resources in cluster f_stop.set() event(EventType.START_SIMULATION_LEAVE) return hist