flwr.server.compat.app 源代码

# Copyright 2022 Flower Labs GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
"""Flower driver app."""

import sys
from logging import INFO
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Union

from flwr.common import EventType, event
from flwr.common.address import parse_address
from flwr.common.logger import log, warn_deprecated_feature
from flwr.server.client_manager import ClientManager
from flwr.server.history import History
from flwr.server.server import Server, init_defaults, run_fl
from flwr.server.server_config import ServerConfig
from flwr.server.strategy import Strategy

from ..driver import Driver, GrpcDriver
from .app_utils import start_update_client_manager_thread


[Driver] Error: Not connected.

Call `connect()` on the `Driver` instance before calling any of the other `Driver`

[文档]def start_driver( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-locals *, server_address: str = DEFAULT_SERVER_ADDRESS_DRIVER, server: Optional[Server] = None, config: Optional[ServerConfig] = None, strategy: Optional[Strategy] = None, client_manager: Optional[ClientManager] = None, root_certificates: Optional[Union[bytes, str]] = None, driver: Optional[Driver] = None, ) -> History: """Start a Flower Driver API server. Parameters ---------- server_address : Optional[str] The IPv4 or IPv6 address of the Driver API server. Defaults to `"[::]:8080"`. server : Optional[flwr.server.Server] (default: None) A server implementation, either `flwr.server.Server` or a subclass thereof. If no instance is provided, then `start_driver` will create one. config : Optional[ServerConfig] (default: None) Currently supported values are `num_rounds` (int, default: 1) and `round_timeout` in seconds (float, default: None). strategy : Optional[flwr.server.Strategy] (default: None). An implementation of the abstract base class `flwr.server.strategy.Strategy`. If no strategy is provided, then `start_server` will use `flwr.server.strategy.FedAvg`. client_manager : Optional[flwr.server.ClientManager] (default: None) An implementation of the class `flwr.server.ClientManager`. If no implementation is provided, then `start_driver` will use `flwr.server.SimpleClientManager`. root_certificates : Optional[Union[bytes, str]] (default: None) The PEM-encoded root certificates as a byte string or a path string. If provided, a secure connection using the certificates will be established to an SSL-enabled Flower server. driver : Optional[Driver] (default: None) The Driver object to use. Returns ------- hist : flwr.server.history.History Object containing training and evaluation metrics. Examples -------- Starting a driver that connects to an insecure server: >>> start_driver() Starting a driver that connects to an SSL-enabled server: >>> start_driver( >>> root_certificates=Path("/crts/root.pem").read_bytes() >>> ) """ event(EventType.START_DRIVER_ENTER) if driver is None: # Not passing a `Driver` object is deprecated warn_deprecated_feature("start_driver") # Parse IP address parsed_address = parse_address(server_address) if not parsed_address: sys.exit(f"Server IP address ({server_address}) cannot be parsed.") host, port, is_v6 = parsed_address address = f"[{host}]:{port}" if is_v6 else f"{host}:{port}" # Create the Driver if isinstance(root_certificates, str): root_certificates = Path(root_certificates).read_bytes() driver = GrpcDriver( driver_service_address=address, root_certificates=root_certificates ) # Initialize the Driver API server and config initialized_server, initialized_config = init_defaults( server=server, config=config, strategy=strategy, client_manager=client_manager, ) log( INFO, "Starting Flower ServerApp, config: %s", initialized_config, ) log(INFO, "") # Start the thread updating nodes thread, f_stop = start_update_client_manager_thread( driver, initialized_server.client_manager() ) # Start training hist = run_fl( server=initialized_server, config=initialized_config, ) # Terminate the thread f_stop.set() thread.join() event(EventType.START_SERVER_LEAVE) return hist