flwr.server.workflow.secure_aggregation.secaggplus_workflow 源代码

# Copyright 2024 Flower Labs GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# ==============================================================================
"""Workflow for the SecAgg+ protocol."""

import random
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from logging import DEBUG, ERROR, INFO, WARN
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union, cast

import flwr.common.recordset_compat as compat
from flwr.common import (
from flwr.common.secure_aggregation.crypto.shamir import combine_shares
from flwr.common.secure_aggregation.crypto.symmetric_encryption import (
from flwr.common.secure_aggregation.ndarrays_arithmetic import (
from flwr.common.secure_aggregation.quantization import dequantize
from flwr.common.secure_aggregation.secaggplus_constants import (
from flwr.common.secure_aggregation.secaggplus_utils import pseudo_rand_gen
from flwr.server.client_proxy import ClientProxy
from flwr.server.compat.legacy_context import LegacyContext
from flwr.server.driver import Driver

from ..constant import Key as WorkflowKey

class WorkflowState:  # pylint: disable=R0902
    """The state of the SecAgg+ protocol."""

    nid_to_proxies: Dict[int, ClientProxy] = field(default_factory=dict)
    nid_to_fitins: Dict[int, RecordSet] = field(default_factory=dict)
    sampled_node_ids: Set[int] = field(default_factory=set)
    active_node_ids: Set[int] = field(default_factory=set)
    num_shares: int = 0
    threshold: int = 0
    clipping_range: float = 0.0
    quantization_range: int = 0
    mod_range: int = 0
    max_weight: float = 0.0
    nid_to_neighbours: Dict[int, Set[int]] = field(default_factory=dict)
    nid_to_publickeys: Dict[int, List[bytes]] = field(default_factory=dict)
    forward_srcs: Dict[int, List[int]] = field(default_factory=dict)
    forward_ciphertexts: Dict[int, List[bytes]] = field(default_factory=dict)
    aggregate_ndarrays: NDArrays = field(default_factory=list)
    legacy_results: List[Tuple[ClientProxy, FitRes]] = field(default_factory=list)

[文档]class SecAggPlusWorkflow: """The workflow for the SecAgg+ protocol. The SecAgg+ protocol ensures the secure summation of integer vectors owned by multiple parties, without accessing any individual integer vector. This workflow allows the server to compute the weighted average of model parameters across all clients, ensuring individual contributions remain private. This is achieved by clients sending both, a weighting factor and a weighted version of the locally updated parameters, both of which are masked for privacy. Specifically, each client uploads "[w, w * params]" with masks, where weighting factor 'w' is the number of examples ('num_examples') and 'params' represents the model parameters ('parameters') from the client's `FitRes`. The server then aggregates these contributions to compute the weighted average of model parameters. The protocol involves four main stages: - 'setup': Send SecAgg+ configuration to clients and collect their public keys. - 'share keys': Broadcast public keys among clients and collect encrypted secret key shares. - 'collect masked vectors': Forward encrypted secret key shares to target clients and collect masked model parameters. - 'unmask': Collect secret key shares to decrypt and aggregate the model parameters. Only the aggregated model parameters are exposed and passed to `Strategy.aggregate_fit`, ensuring individual data privacy. Parameters ---------- num_shares : Union[int, float] The number of shares into which each client's private key is split under the SecAgg+ protocol. If specified as a float, it represents the proportion of all selected clients, and the number of shares will be set dynamically in the run time. A private key can be reconstructed from these shares, allowing for the secure aggregation of model updates. Each client sends one share to each of its neighbors while retaining one. reconstruction_threshold : Union[int, float] The minimum number of shares required to reconstruct a client's private key, or, if specified as a float, it represents the proportion of the total number of shares needed for reconstruction. This threshold ensures privacy by allowing for the recovery of contributions from dropped clients during aggregation, without compromising individual client data. max_weight : Optional[float] (default: 1000.0) The maximum value of the weight that can be assigned to any single client's update during the weighted average calculation on the server side, e.g., in the FedAvg algorithm. clipping_range : float, optional (default: 8.0) The range within which model parameters are clipped before quantization. This parameter ensures each model parameter is bounded within [-clipping_range, clipping_range], facilitating quantization. quantization_range : int, optional (default: 4194304, this equals 2**22) The size of the range into which floating-point model parameters are quantized, mapping each parameter to an integer in [0, quantization_range-1]. This facilitates cryptographic operations on the model updates. modulus_range : int, optional (default: 4294967296, this equals 2**32) The range of values from which random mask entries are uniformly sampled ([0, modulus_range-1]). `modulus_range` must be less than 4294967296. Please use 2**n values for `modulus_range` to prevent overflow issues. timeout : Optional[float] (default: None) The timeout duration in seconds. If specified, the workflow will wait for replies for this duration each time. If `None`, there is no time limit and the workflow will wait until replies for all messages are received. Notes ----- - Generally, higher `num_shares` means more robust to dropouts while increasing the computational costs; higher `reconstruction_threshold` means better privacy guarantees but less tolerance to dropouts. - Too large `max_weight` may compromise the precision of the quantization. - `modulus_range` must be 2**n and larger than `quantization_range`. - When `num_shares` is a float, it is interpreted as the proportion of all selected clients, and hence the number of shares will be determined in the runtime. This allows for dynamic adjustment based on the total number of participating clients. - Similarly, when `reconstruction_threshold` is a float, it is interpreted as the proportion of the number of shares needed for the reconstruction of a private key. This feature enables flexibility in setting the security threshold relative to the number of distributed shares. - `num_shares`, `reconstruction_threshold`, and the quantization parameters (`clipping_range`, `quantization_range`, `modulus_range`) play critical roles in balancing privacy, robustness, and efficiency within the SecAgg+ protocol. """ def __init__( # pylint: disable=R0913 self, num_shares: Union[int, float], reconstruction_threshold: Union[int, float], *, max_weight: float = 1000.0, clipping_range: float = 8.0, quantization_range: int = 4194304, modulus_range: int = 4294967296, timeout: Optional[float] = None, ) -> None: self.num_shares = num_shares self.reconstruction_threshold = reconstruction_threshold self.max_weight = max_weight self.clipping_range = clipping_range self.quantization_range = quantization_range self.modulus_range = modulus_range self.timeout = timeout self._check_init_params() def __call__(self, driver: Driver, context: Context) -> None: """Run the SecAgg+ protocol.""" if not isinstance(context, LegacyContext): raise TypeError( f"Expect a LegacyContext, but get {type(context).__name__}." ) state = WorkflowState() steps = ( self.setup_stage, self.share_keys_stage, self.collect_masked_vectors_stage, self.unmask_stage, ) log(INFO, "Secure aggregation commencing.") for step in steps: if not step(driver, context, state): log(INFO, "Secure aggregation halted.") return log(INFO, "Secure aggregation completed.") def _check_init_params(self) -> None: # pylint: disable=R0912 # Check `num_shares` if not isinstance(self.num_shares, (int, float)): raise TypeError("`num_shares` must be of type int or float.") if isinstance(self.num_shares, int): if self.num_shares == 1: self.num_shares = 1.0 elif self.num_shares <= 2: raise ValueError("`num_shares` as an integer must be greater than 2.") elif self.num_shares > self.modulus_range / self.quantization_range: log( WARN, "A `num_shares` larger than `modulus_range / quantization_range` " "will potentially cause overflow when computing the aggregated " "model parameters.", ) elif self.num_shares <= 0: raise ValueError("`num_shares` as a float must be greater than 0.") # Check `reconstruction_threshold` if not isinstance(self.reconstruction_threshold, (int, float)): raise TypeError("`reconstruction_threshold` must be of type int or float.") if isinstance(self.reconstruction_threshold, int): if self.reconstruction_threshold == 1: self.reconstruction_threshold = 1.0 elif isinstance(self.num_shares, int): if self.reconstruction_threshold >= self.num_shares: raise ValueError( "`reconstruction_threshold` must be less than `num_shares`." ) else: if not 0 < self.reconstruction_threshold <= 1: raise ValueError( "If `reconstruction_threshold` is a float, " "it must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1." ) # Check `max_weight` if self.max_weight <= 0: raise ValueError("`max_weight` must be greater than 0.") # Check `quantization_range` if self.quantization_range <= 0: raise ValueError("`quantization_range` must be greater than 0.") # Check `quantization_range` if not isinstance(self.quantization_range, int) or self.quantization_range <= 0: raise ValueError( "`quantization_range` must be an integer and greater than 0." ) # Check `modulus_range` if ( not isinstance(self.modulus_range, int) or self.modulus_range <= self.quantization_range ): raise ValueError( "`modulus_range` must be an integer and " "greater than `quantization_range`." ) if bin(self.modulus_range).count("1") != 1: raise ValueError("`modulus_range` must be a power of 2.") def _check_threshold(self, state: WorkflowState) -> bool: for node_id in state.sampled_node_ids: active_neighbors = state.nid_to_neighbours[node_id] & state.active_node_ids if len(active_neighbors) < state.threshold: log(ERROR, "Insufficient available nodes.") return False return True
[文档] def setup_stage( # pylint: disable=R0912, R0914, R0915 self, driver: Driver, context: LegacyContext, state: WorkflowState ) -> bool: """Execute the 'setup' stage.""" # Obtain fit instructions cfg = context.state.configs_records[MAIN_CONFIGS_RECORD] current_round = cast(int, cfg[WorkflowKey.CURRENT_ROUND]) parameters = compat.parametersrecord_to_parameters( context.state.parameters_records[MAIN_PARAMS_RECORD], keep_input=True, ) proxy_fitins_lst = context.strategy.configure_fit( current_round, parameters, context.client_manager ) if not proxy_fitins_lst: log(INFO, "configure_fit: no clients selected, cancel") return False log( INFO, "configure_fit: strategy sampled %s clients (out of %s)", len(proxy_fitins_lst), context.client_manager.num_available(), ) state.nid_to_fitins = { proxy.node_id: compat.fitins_to_recordset(fitins, True) for proxy, fitins in proxy_fitins_lst } state.nid_to_proxies = {proxy.node_id: proxy for proxy, _ in proxy_fitins_lst} # Protocol config sampled_node_ids = list(state.nid_to_fitins.keys()) num_samples = len(sampled_node_ids) if num_samples < 2: log(ERROR, "The number of samples should be greater than 1.") return False if isinstance(self.num_shares, float): state.num_shares = round(self.num_shares * num_samples) # If even if state.num_shares < num_samples and state.num_shares & 1 == 0: state.num_shares += 1 # If too small if state.num_shares <= 2: state.num_shares = num_samples else: state.num_shares = self.num_shares if isinstance(self.reconstruction_threshold, float): state.threshold = round(self.reconstruction_threshold * state.num_shares) # Avoid too small threshold state.threshold = max(state.threshold, 2) else: state.threshold = self.reconstruction_threshold state.active_node_ids = set(sampled_node_ids) state.clipping_range = self.clipping_range state.quantization_range = self.quantization_range state.mod_range = self.modulus_range state.max_weight = self.max_weight sa_params_dict = { Key.STAGE: Stage.SETUP, Key.SAMPLE_NUMBER: num_samples, Key.SHARE_NUMBER: state.num_shares, Key.THRESHOLD: state.threshold, Key.CLIPPING_RANGE: state.clipping_range, Key.TARGET_RANGE: state.quantization_range, Key.MOD_RANGE: state.mod_range, Key.MAX_WEIGHT: state.max_weight, } # The number of shares should better be odd in the SecAgg+ protocol. if num_samples != state.num_shares and state.num_shares & 1 == 0: log(WARN, "Number of shares in the SecAgg+ protocol should be odd.") state.num_shares += 1 # Shuffle node IDs random.shuffle(sampled_node_ids) # Build neighbour relations (node ID -> secure IDs of neighbours) half_share = state.num_shares >> 1 state.nid_to_neighbours = { nid: { sampled_node_ids[(idx + offset) % num_samples] for offset in range(-half_share, half_share + 1) } for idx, nid in enumerate(sampled_node_ids) } state.sampled_node_ids = state.active_node_ids # Send setup configuration to clients cfgs_record = ConfigsRecord(sa_params_dict) # type: ignore content = RecordSet(configs_records={RECORD_KEY_CONFIGS: cfgs_record}) def make(nid: int) -> Message: return driver.create_message( content=content, message_type=MessageType.TRAIN, dst_node_id=nid, group_id=str(cfg[WorkflowKey.CURRENT_ROUND]), ) log( DEBUG, "[Stage 0] Sending configurations to %s clients.", len(state.active_node_ids), ) msgs = driver.send_and_receive( [make(node_id) for node_id in state.active_node_ids], timeout=self.timeout ) state.active_node_ids = { msg.metadata.src_node_id for msg in msgs if not msg.has_error() } log( DEBUG, "[Stage 0] Received public keys from %s clients.", len(state.active_node_ids), ) for msg in msgs: if msg.has_error(): continue key_dict = msg.content.configs_records[RECORD_KEY_CONFIGS] node_id = msg.metadata.src_node_id pk1, pk2 = key_dict[Key.PUBLIC_KEY_1], key_dict[Key.PUBLIC_KEY_2] state.nid_to_publickeys[node_id] = [cast(bytes, pk1), cast(bytes, pk2)] return self._check_threshold(state)
[文档] def share_keys_stage( # pylint: disable=R0914 self, driver: Driver, context: LegacyContext, state: WorkflowState ) -> bool: """Execute the 'share keys' stage.""" cfg = context.state.configs_records[MAIN_CONFIGS_RECORD] def make(nid: int) -> Message: neighbours = state.nid_to_neighbours[nid] & state.active_node_ids cfgs_record = ConfigsRecord( {str(nid): state.nid_to_publickeys[nid] for nid in neighbours} ) cfgs_record[Key.STAGE] = Stage.SHARE_KEYS content = RecordSet(configs_records={RECORD_KEY_CONFIGS: cfgs_record}) return driver.create_message( content=content, message_type=MessageType.TRAIN, dst_node_id=nid, group_id=str(cfg[WorkflowKey.CURRENT_ROUND]), ) # Broadcast public keys to clients and receive secret key shares log( DEBUG, "[Stage 1] Forwarding public keys to %s clients.", len(state.active_node_ids), ) msgs = driver.send_and_receive( [make(node_id) for node_id in state.active_node_ids], timeout=self.timeout ) state.active_node_ids = { msg.metadata.src_node_id for msg in msgs if not msg.has_error() } log( DEBUG, "[Stage 1] Received encrypted key shares from %s clients.", len(state.active_node_ids), ) # Build forward packet list dictionary srcs: List[int] = [] dsts: List[int] = [] ciphertexts: List[bytes] = [] fwd_ciphertexts: Dict[int, List[bytes]] = { nid: [] for nid in state.active_node_ids } # dest node ID -> list of ciphertexts fwd_srcs: Dict[int, List[int]] = { nid: [] for nid in state.active_node_ids } # dest node ID -> list of src node IDs for msg in msgs: node_id = msg.metadata.src_node_id res_dict = msg.content.configs_records[RECORD_KEY_CONFIGS] dst_lst = cast(List[int], res_dict[Key.DESTINATION_LIST]) ctxt_lst = cast(List[bytes], res_dict[Key.CIPHERTEXT_LIST]) srcs += [node_id] * len(dst_lst) dsts += dst_lst ciphertexts += ctxt_lst for src, dst, ciphertext in zip(srcs, dsts, ciphertexts): if dst in fwd_ciphertexts: fwd_ciphertexts[dst].append(ciphertext) fwd_srcs[dst].append(src) state.forward_srcs = fwd_srcs state.forward_ciphertexts = fwd_ciphertexts return self._check_threshold(state)
[文档] def collect_masked_vectors_stage( self, driver: Driver, context: LegacyContext, state: WorkflowState ) -> bool: """Execute the 'collect masked vectors' stage.""" cfg = context.state.configs_records[MAIN_CONFIGS_RECORD] # Send secret key shares to clients (plus FitIns) and collect masked vectors def make(nid: int) -> Message: cfgs_dict = { Key.STAGE: Stage.COLLECT_MASKED_VECTORS, Key.CIPHERTEXT_LIST: state.forward_ciphertexts[nid], Key.SOURCE_LIST: state.forward_srcs[nid], } cfgs_record = ConfigsRecord(cfgs_dict) # type: ignore content = state.nid_to_fitins[nid] content.configs_records[RECORD_KEY_CONFIGS] = cfgs_record return driver.create_message( content=content, message_type=MessageType.TRAIN, dst_node_id=nid, group_id=str(cfg[WorkflowKey.CURRENT_ROUND]), ) log( DEBUG, "[Stage 2] Forwarding encrypted key shares to %s clients.", len(state.active_node_ids), ) msgs = driver.send_and_receive( [make(node_id) for node_id in state.active_node_ids], timeout=self.timeout ) state.active_node_ids = { msg.metadata.src_node_id for msg in msgs if not msg.has_error() } log( DEBUG, "[Stage 2] Received masked vectors from %s clients.", len(state.active_node_ids), ) # Clear cache del state.forward_ciphertexts, state.forward_srcs, state.nid_to_fitins # Sum collected masked vectors and compute active/dead node IDs masked_vector = None for msg in msgs: res_dict = msg.content.configs_records[RECORD_KEY_CONFIGS] bytes_list = cast(List[bytes], res_dict[Key.MASKED_PARAMETERS]) client_masked_vec = [bytes_to_ndarray(b) for b in bytes_list] if masked_vector is None: masked_vector = client_masked_vec else: masked_vector = parameters_addition(masked_vector, client_masked_vec) if masked_vector is not None: masked_vector = parameters_mod(masked_vector, state.mod_range) state.aggregate_ndarrays = masked_vector # Backward compatibility with Strategy for msg in msgs: fitres = compat.recordset_to_fitres(msg.content, True) proxy = state.nid_to_proxies[msg.metadata.src_node_id] state.legacy_results.append((proxy, fitres)) return self._check_threshold(state)
[文档] def unmask_stage( # pylint: disable=R0912, R0914, R0915 self, driver: Driver, context: LegacyContext, state: WorkflowState ) -> bool: """Execute the 'unmask' stage.""" cfg = context.state.configs_records[MAIN_CONFIGS_RECORD] current_round = cast(int, cfg[WorkflowKey.CURRENT_ROUND]) # Construct active node IDs and dead node IDs active_nids = state.active_node_ids dead_nids = state.sampled_node_ids - active_nids # Send secure IDs of active and dead clients and collect key shares from clients def make(nid: int) -> Message: neighbours = state.nid_to_neighbours[nid] cfgs_dict = { Key.STAGE: Stage.UNMASK, Key.ACTIVE_NODE_ID_LIST: list(neighbours & active_nids), Key.DEAD_NODE_ID_LIST: list(neighbours & dead_nids), } cfgs_record = ConfigsRecord(cfgs_dict) # type: ignore content = RecordSet(configs_records={RECORD_KEY_CONFIGS: cfgs_record}) return driver.create_message( content=content, message_type=MessageType.TRAIN, dst_node_id=nid, group_id=str(current_round), ) log( DEBUG, "[Stage 3] Requesting key shares from %s clients to remove masks.", len(state.active_node_ids), ) msgs = driver.send_and_receive( [make(node_id) for node_id in state.active_node_ids], timeout=self.timeout ) state.active_node_ids = { msg.metadata.src_node_id for msg in msgs if not msg.has_error() } log( DEBUG, "[Stage 3] Received key shares from %s clients.", len(state.active_node_ids), ) # Build collected shares dict collected_shares_dict: Dict[int, List[bytes]] = {} for nid in state.sampled_node_ids: collected_shares_dict[nid] = [] for msg in msgs: res_dict = msg.content.configs_records[RECORD_KEY_CONFIGS] nids = cast(List[int], res_dict[Key.NODE_ID_LIST]) shares = cast(List[bytes], res_dict[Key.SHARE_LIST]) for owner_nid, share in zip(nids, shares): collected_shares_dict[owner_nid].append(share) # Remove masks for every active client after collect_masked_vectors stage masked_vector = state.aggregate_ndarrays del state.aggregate_ndarrays for nid, share_list in collected_shares_dict.items(): if len(share_list) < state.threshold: log( ERROR, "Not enough shares to recover secret in unmask vectors stage" ) return False secret = combine_shares(share_list) if nid in active_nids: # The seed for PRG is the private mask seed of an active client. private_mask = pseudo_rand_gen( secret, state.mod_range, get_parameters_shape(masked_vector) ) masked_vector = parameters_subtraction(masked_vector, private_mask) else: # The seed for PRG is the secret key 1 of a dropped client. neighbours = state.nid_to_neighbours[nid] neighbours.remove(nid) for neighbor_nid in neighbours: shared_key = generate_shared_key( bytes_to_private_key(secret), bytes_to_public_key(state.nid_to_publickeys[neighbor_nid][0]), ) pairwise_mask = pseudo_rand_gen( shared_key, state.mod_range, get_parameters_shape(masked_vector) ) if nid > neighbor_nid: masked_vector = parameters_addition( masked_vector, pairwise_mask ) else: masked_vector = parameters_subtraction( masked_vector, pairwise_mask ) recon_parameters = parameters_mod(masked_vector, state.mod_range) q_total_ratio, recon_parameters = factor_extract(recon_parameters) inv_dq_total_ratio = state.quantization_range / q_total_ratio # recon_parameters = parameters_divide(recon_parameters, total_weights_factor) aggregated_vector = dequantize( recon_parameters, state.clipping_range, state.quantization_range, ) offset = -(len(active_nids) - 1) * state.clipping_range for vec in aggregated_vector: vec += offset vec *= inv_dq_total_ratio # Backward compatibility with Strategy results = state.legacy_results parameters = ndarrays_to_parameters(aggregated_vector) for _, fitres in results: fitres.parameters = parameters # No exception/failure handling currently log( INFO, "aggregate_fit: received %s results and %s failures", len(results), 0, ) aggregated_result = context.strategy.aggregate_fit(current_round, results, []) parameters_aggregated, metrics_aggregated = aggregated_result # Update the parameters and write history if parameters_aggregated: paramsrecord = compat.parameters_to_parametersrecord( parameters_aggregated, True ) context.state.parameters_records[MAIN_PARAMS_RECORD] = paramsrecord context.history.add_metrics_distributed_fit( server_round=current_round, metrics=metrics_aggregated ) return True